Welcome to Prana Human Design

Welcome to Prana Human Design

Human Design- The science of differentiation

Prana Human Design is a specialized service in India that aims to help individuals discover their unique Human Design. Our BodyGraph holds the key to our Definition and Openness, which provides insights into who we are and what has conditioned us.

By relying on our Definition and experimenting with our Strategy and Authority, we take the first step towards being ourselves. Human Design also helps us recognize where we have been conditioned and shows us how to avoid being victims of our conditioning.

The reward of recognizing our own nature is immeasurable. Living our conditioning leads to disease and inner conflict, but understanding our Design protects us and enables us to live healthier, more fulfilling lives.

While learning about our Design intellectually is one thing, living it takes courage and determination. Becoming our authentic selves is a journey that takes time and effort, but it is worth it. By working on ourselves, we can discover our path and become our true selves.

Human Design is also valuable for parents and children, as it guides them towards understanding each other's nature and strengths. For most adults, the road to rediscovering our true nature can be challenging due to lifelong conditioning, but it is achievable with the courage to experiment and the determination to find what is right for us.



Introduction to the Human Design System

I know that your interest is in what Human Design can do for you, and Human Design is truly for you... for the enhancement and enrichment of your individual experience

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Human Design is Your Genetic Code

It is a concrete map to the nature of being, a logical way in which we can see ourselves. Just the simple mechanics is enough to make a vast difference in somebody?s life.

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When I first began to show people their designs, their first inclination was to compare it to somebody else?s. It’s one of the most magical things about the structure of the BodyGraph, that it’s so ea...

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