
This is how we engage into the process of human design guidance/ getting to know yourself :

At Prana Human Design, we offer a range of services to help you unlock your full potential and live in alignment with your unique design. Here are some of the services that we offer:

  1. Consultation 1 on 1: In this 90-minute session, Mr. Shewale will provide you with personalized guidance and support to help you understand your unique Human Design and how you can live in alignment with it. The cost for this service is $87 USD.

  2. Living Your Design Course( Group course): This 8-hour course is designed to help you understand the basics of Human Design and how you can apply it to your life. Through a combination of lectures, exercises, and discussions, Mr. Shewale will guide you through the key concepts of Human Design and help you discover your unique design. The cost for this service is $350 USD.

  3. Monthly Retainer: For those who are looking for ongoing support and guidance, Mr. Shewale offers a monthly retainer service. This service is customized to meet your individual needs and can include regular check-ins, personalized guidance, and support as you work towards your personal goals. The cost for this service is $792 USD per month.

At Prana Human Design, we are committed to helping you unlock your full potential and live in alignment with your unique design. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you on your journey towards personal empowerment.